Me as Little

Fave pet Names: Babygirl/Baby/Angel/Sweetie/Darling/Dear/Love
Pronouns: she/her
Age: idk ???*
Fave activities as Baby: laying in bed,peek a boo,hugging Daddy or plushie
Fave activities as Little: watching cartoons,Daddy reads a tale for me, Bathtime play with Daddy
Fave activities as Middle: playing flashgames or old horsegames, collecting stickers

*I don't know how other people know their age so much in little space, I think mine is always changes, for example at one little space time period it can change as well. I may want to do stuff like a Baby then as a Little after each other.

All the stuff I wrote "with Daddy" is rather "dreaming about doing that with Daddy" cause I don't have a Daddy rn. Well, I have an online long-distance Daddy but we only met once. It was really good though.
